Disciplinary Code

The purpose of this Code is to uphold the highest standards of the practice of Specialised Kinesiology in accordance with the ASKSA Constitution and Rules and Regulations, in dealing with complaints from the public.

The aim is to correct unacceptable behaviour, improper practice or transgression of ASKSA rules by any ASKSA member. Complaints will be addressed by ASKSA Regions, which will use guidelines and procedures outlined below. Their recommendations will be sent to the National Committee for a final decision on corrective action. ASKSA cannot make decisions in civil matters – these need to be resolved by appropriate court action.

Procedure to initiate a complaint

Persons considering making a complaint are advised to speak with the Complaint Officer in their ASKSA Region, who will describe the processes involved. Persons who wish to make a complaint may do so by completing a Complaint Form. Complaint Forms must be fully filled in and signed in order for ASKSA to take action. A copy of the complaint will be given to the Practitioner involved. Verbal complaints cannot be actioned or recorded.

Complaints Forms are available from each Regional Secretary/Complaint Officer of ASKSA and right here. The Complaint Form may be submitted to the relevant Complaint Officer. A Complaint Officer and a Hearing Committee will handle all aspects of the complaint and attempt to resolve the matter. If recommendations are to be made concerning the practitioner involved, then these are to be referred to the National Committee for its consideration and decision.

Complaint Officer Role

Complaint Officer Duties

Guidelines for Complaint Officers

The Hearing Committee Role

The Hearing Committee Duties

Time Limits for Complaints Enquiry

Procedural Step Time Period: